Holiday Hope Collection
Happy New Year Family!!!

Welcome to 2019!!
Over the past few times we've met, we've received some good things to put in our bag as we travel through 2019. This blog is going to remind us of a few things we've learned before entering into the new year.
The first thing that was mentioned was that GOD CAN DO SUDDENLY! Don't count Him out, and even if He doesn't work according to your timeline, He's still God.
We also learned not to count ourselves out of the things we are promised. Again, just because the timeline doesn't look promising in our eyes or time looks as though it's running out, that doesn't mean there's no longer a promise, nor does it mean that time is actually running out. Just wait on it.
First Lady's Encouragement:
- No matter what, your promise still stands.
- Keep your hand to the plow.
- The year is changing, but God isn't
- The promise doesn't leave with the year. #RolloverPlan
- 1 Thessalonians 5:24
- "The One who called you is completely dependable. If He said it, He'll do it!" MSG
- God is FAITHFUL - He is true to the facts or the original
3 P's of the Promise
- Position
- Genesis 22 tells the story of Abraham and Isaac. It is a great example of what happens when we're available and we answer God's call. When God called on Abraham, his reply was, "here I am." It was his consistent response in this chapter.
- What are we answering God with?
- Are we answering Him at all?
- We need to be in the position God told us to be in in order to experience the ram that's provided.
- In order to be in the proper position, we have to follow all of the instructions that were given.
- Consider if Abraham would have gone to any other place other than Mount Moriah. He would have lost a son that day thinking he was being obedient.
- 2 Corinthians 1:20
- For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
- We experience the "yes" and the "amen" when we are in Him [His Will].
- A "yes" is affirmative, and an "Amen" is a confidence in what you've prayed for.
- In and according to God's Will, the answer is yes.
- When we say amen, we sort of gas God up by basically saying we have full confidence that He can do anything, especially that which we have just prayed for!
- Part
- Have you done your part?
- When you don't do your part, it's like doing a group project with God and leaving Him to do all the work. Let's try to not be that group partner. You have a part in this too.
- We have to hold up our end of the deal.
- Praise
- After you have gotten into position and done your part...PRAISE!!!
- #WithThanksgiving
An additional thought toward positioning: Pastor told us not to position ourselves for anything except what we've been praying for.
Stay open and stay in expectation.
Romans 8:37 "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."
This is the Year of the Overcomer!!
If you would like to come to visit us, you're more than welcome to join us!
Word of Prayer Cultural Center
1450 Mercantile Ln. Ste. 227
Largo, Md. 20774
9:30 a.m.
Upcoming Events:
- WOPCC's 14th & Pastor's 3rd Anniversary
- Sunday, January 20, 2019
- 9:30am
- WOPCC's Spirit Month
- January 6th: Hat Sunday
- January 13th: International Sunday
- January 20th: Anniversary Colors (Gray, Green, White, Blue)
- January 27th: Twin Sunday
Until next time,

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