Value 2

Hi WOPCC Family & Friends!!

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I hope you all are having a great week thus far!

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This past Sunday, our Pastor gave us 
Value Part 2.

Quick recap of the statement scriptures (check out last week’s blog for the statements that go with the scriptures)

Genesis 1:27
Jeremiah 29:11
Romans 5:8
1 Peter 1:18-19
2 Corinthians 5:17
Jeremiah 30:17

We are obviously valuable to Him.

Pastor reiterated how the meaning of Value is the regard that something is held to deserve.
So, what are we showing that God deserves? If our lives were put on mute, what would the onlookers assume about us based on what they've seen? What do your receipts look like?

See the source image

Hint Hint: it should shout Jesus Lover/Christian

If it doesn’t then that warrants an examination of our lives to determine what is sitting higher than God in our lives. If it’s higher than God, it’s an idol, and as Pastor said, most times that thing or person we idolize is something or someone God has given us anyway.

Once He sees what’s in your heart, He can then determine what you can handle. Are you disqualifying yourself from some things because your muted life doesn’t look the way your maximum volume, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" life sounds? There cannot be a disconnect there because then it looks like you’re living a double life, and we all know what the Bible says about the double minded man...we don't want to fall into the category of wickedness. 

Matthew 15:8 
These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me."

We never want Jesus to be talking about us like that. After all, that’s the opposite of one of the rules of salvation. Romans 10:9-10 state that if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, then we’ll be saved. But if we claim salvation, yet our mouths and our hearts are on completely different wavelengths, there’s a misalignment there. The heart is where belief resides; our mouths are what exposes what's in our hearts. We shouldn't distance our hearts from God.

We were reminded (or informed) that the calling we have on our lives should be valued if not by anyone else, it should be valued by ourselves. Anything you value, you protect and some things you should just value because of where it came from.

Genesis 39:7-10
And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.”

But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. There is no one greater in this house than I [Joseph understood how valuable he was to Potiphar], nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. [Duh] How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” [Forget Potiphar, God is who really allowed me to be in the position I'm in. How could I do this to Him? He clearly values me, therefore, I value myself]
10 So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. [As the enemy keeps presenting it, you keep refusing it.]

There is a way of escape. 
The temptation isn't the sin, it's giving into the temptation that's the sin. 

This ties in with 2 points Pastor made:
1. We have to be an example to others. If someone's on milk, that's fine, but if you're on meat, snacking on milk is not a thing; eat the meat and show others how to eat. Dibbling and dabbling in both will stunt your growth.
2.When you make His business important to you, He'll make your business important to Him.

Unfortunately, we depreciate our own value by looking at someone else's home. We consider how valuable others seem. Who told you you weren't as valuable?
Pastor concluded with painting a picture for us:
2 people at a vending machine
Person 1: Has $100 bills
Person 2: Has $5 & $1 bills
Question: Who is more valuable in this case?

Answer: Person 2 because the vending machine doesn't take $100 bills.

What's the point? Your value isn't determined by size nor amount; it's determined by usefulness or ability to be used.

How much are you worth? = How much can you be used?

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As usual, if you have anything to add, any comments to make, or any questions you'd like to ask, please leave a comment and get the conversation going!

Did you miss service and/or the Facebook Live or do you just want to experience the service again? If so, here's the link to Sunday's Service

          Sunday Service is every Sunday beginning at 9:30 am, and you, your family, and your friends more than welcomed to join us!

See you soon,

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