Hello Everyone!
Happy Capacity Challenge Week!
Happy Capacity Challenge Week!
If you're reading this and wondering, "Capacity Challenge Week? What is that?" Well, wonder no more friends; I'll tell you. Last Sunday, we were introduced to the idea of CAPACITY, and without putting the horse before the carriage, in short, we were asked to identify something in our lives that is taking room that God should be occupying in our lives and fast from it. The whole point is to make room for God. As we all know, when no one is watching, it's easier to relax our self-discipline, so with the fast, we were also asked to find an accountability partner.
SN: When fasting, it should be a sacrifice that you're making to intentionally be closer to God.
Example: If you're vegan, don't say you're fasting from meat. That's not a fast; that's a lifestyle.
For those who have already been fasting, have you checked in with your accountability partner? There's no point in having one if you're not going to use them as such. It's midweek. It's a great time to do a check-in if you haven't done so already.
For those who are just learning about the challenge, and you know there are some things that you can actually do without in order to give God more room in your life, it's never too late to join us in the fast. The Bible never said the length of your fast determines how effective it will be. So I don't want you to think that some people's 7 days versus your 5 makes them have more room than you.
- maximum amount something can contain
- volume, size, magnitude, dimensions, measurements, proportions
- power to do, experience, or ability to understand something
- correlated to size and strength of something
Now that we know what capacity is, we can now learn how to apply it.
We all have a capacity, but many times we limit our capacity because we put caps in place and limit ourselves. God wants to do so much with us but we don't let Him.
Caps? What kind of caps?
Fear. Distractions. Ignoring God. Disobedience. Neglecting Gifts. Etc.
It's like God wants to control our highs (how much we can contain; how high on the mountain we can go) and lows (our baseline; how deep in the valley we can go before it's too much), but we're like...

...and we put a stop to His help. We don't go as high as we can go and we go lower than we should be going.
"God desires we enlarge our capacity."
"Everything you've experienced up til now qualifies you for the enlargement."
In enlarging our capacity, He wants to stretch us; He wants us to be more consistent; He wants to show us off; He wants us to occupy a tank we didn't know existed; He wants to do
exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Eph. 3:20).
"Make room for your breakthrough to land."
Let's paint this picture really quickly. Here's our table:

It's pretty full. But what if you want to put the yams (and frankly the other missing Thanksgiving food) on the table instead of having guests get up and go to the kitchen for it? There's no room for it though.
The table = our lives
The yams = the thing we're praying for/the breakthrough
"Where will the breakthrough land? Do you have the room for what you're praying for?"
There is decoration on the table. It looks nice (I guess), but it's not necessary. We can't eat it; it's not useful in the process of getting full. It's in the way. What if I took it off the table? My yams have much more room to land, and I don't have to take the extra mile to go to the kitchen to go get it. But if I make room for it, I have easier access to it and I'm able to enjoy it much sooner with less work.
Come on guys, let's make room for the yams 😃
"Order leads to miracles."
"We should be an extension to the foundation"
The garage is an extension of the house and makes more room for the car(s) to go. But the goal of course is to not junk up the garage because then where would you put the extra cars? "What are we so full of that it is taking room from God?"
"You can't be filled up unless you've first been empty"
We have 2 cups: one (powerade) represents the God stuff and the other (cola) represents the other stuff. Our goal is to be like the Powerade, but none of us actually come like that; we have to work our way to that point.
Unfortunately, sometimes we try to mix a little of the God stuff in our other stuff and...
We don't look nor taste like there's a trace of the God stuff in there. "A double minded man is still wicked in all his ways." Even if you mix a little of the God stuff, "I can't be appreciated...you still look the same...the people don't see Me."
"We say, 'fill me up' and God is like, 'where?'"
"Do you have the capacity to hold what I want to pour in?"
[show Me you want the God stuff]
It's not until you fully pour out the other stuff that you have room for God to pour in the God stuff...
...as a result...
...you will be filled with the God stuff and you'll actually look, smell, and taste differently. People will see God in you.
"We can't continue with empty declarations...we can't ask God to do something we haven't set and positioned ourselves to receive."
No Good Work:
Jesus wasn't able to do the good work he wanted to do at "home" with His "family"; not because He didn't have the ability to do so, but because they didn't receive Him in order to allow Him to do it. God wants to do the work, but if you don't have the capacity to receive what He's trying to give then He'll move on.
#ItCanBeYourOwnBlood #JesusHadFamilyIssuesToo #HeMovedOn #PleaseDontPassMeBy
As usual, if you have anything to add, any comments to make, or any questions you'd like to ask, please leave a comment and get the conversation going!
Prompting Questions: How has the fast been going? Has it challenged you? How? Any new revelations?
Prompting Questions: How has the fast been going? Has it challenged you? How? Any new revelations?
Did you miss service and/or the Facebook Live or do you just want to experience the service again? If so, here's the link to Sunday's Service.
Sunday Service is every Sunday beginning at 9:30 am and you're more than welcomed to join us!
Have a great rest of the week, and I hope that as you empty yourself of the "other stuff" during the fast, you're not walking around empty, but you're replacing the "other stuff" with "God Stuff."
Til next time,

Have a great rest of the week, and I hope that as you empty yourself of the "other stuff" during the fast, you're not walking around empty, but you're replacing the "other stuff" with "God Stuff."
Til next time,

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