Greetings & Good Morning/Good Day/Good Night to You All!!
Welcome Back to WOPCC's Summer Series for Another Weekly Recap
Congratulations to all of the newly baptized family members here at WOPCC!! What a bold and commendable step in your journey of Christianity! Continue to walk boldly and unashamed!

By the way, WOPBI's website is now LIVE!! Take some time to go check it out, and possibly register for the next school year.
In case you missed it, there's a donate button where those who are already registered and those who will soon register can make deposits over the summer to reduce costs during the school year.
It's also available for those who just want to be a blessing and want to sow into the school.
Last Sunday, Pastor continued on the topic of Responsibility...
He started off talking about a friend's fish and the "that'll preach" moment that came from a fun fact about it. His friend has an Oscar fish (if you're interested in learning more about the fish, click here), and he noticed that the fish was rather large. To his surprise, the friend said that the fish had potential to get larger if it were in a different environment- in a larger tank.
Are our tanks so small that we're limiting God from doing a great work in us? Are we making parts of our lives and parts of our hearts off limits to God to the point where we foolishly ask Him to have His way, but only give Him access to a small piece, when in actuality, He needs to access a much deeper place?
Kind of like this:
Us: Okay God, please do a work in me. I want to grow in my faith and I want to be a more mature Christian.
God: You sure? Are you really ready?
Us: Yes. ♪For Your glooooryyyyyy....I would do aaannnyyyything. Just to seee Youuu, to behold You as my King....♪
God: Now you know, you have to let me go beyond the surface. I need full control.
Us: ♫Take my heart, take my mind, take my soul, never let me gooo♫ (repeat)
God: Okay, here we go...

God: But didn't you just say...
Okay, never mind. We'll try again another time...
We hinder our own growth by limiting ourselves and giving God restrictions to only operate in this tiny tank expecting Him to make us bigger.
Granted, this could also go another way. He could grow us/stretch us/challenge us, and make it up to us to change our environments to one that's more suitable for what He's doing with us. Now either we'll mature and hop in a larger tank, or we can just be some big fish stuffed in a small tank until it's so uncomfortable that we eventually surrender and get the other tank.
We have to Make Room
Scriptures associated to this are:
- Psalm 37:4
- Genesis 1:31
- "The problem is not you, but it's what's around you"
- we were made "very good"
In the word "responsibility," we have the word "ability."
When I look at "responsibility" and consider Pastor's sermon on submitting and what he's said over the past two Sundays, I take the definition of "responsibility" to be:
The Ability to Respond
(not just attempting to respond, but actually being able to respond)
Warning: You will struggle (unnecessarily) if you're tending to someone (including God's) else's responsibilities if you aren't equip or able to respond. He didn't grace you for that assignment because that's not your assignment. Please learn the difference between attempts and abilities
We revisited the Mark 4:35-39 passage from last week.
Jesus clearly had the ability to respond to the storm, not by conversing with it, but by commanding it. He was informed of the great storm, commanded peace, and experienced a great calm.
If we have the ability to respond to whatever has our name on it, we also have the ability to choose how we'll respond to it. "Life is choice driven, and we live and die by the choices we make." If we were in that instance, would we command peace, or would we, as Pastor acted out, say, "my my, there's a storm out here.." Well duh, there's a what? Do we panic and wait around to crash into a rock and sink, or do we speak peace and rest in the great calm?
*insert Captain Planet theme song here*
"Your life responds to your words"
We then moved on to verse 40: "But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”
What are you afraid of?
Why are you afraid?
Did God fail you last time?
Why would He fail you this time?
Where is your faith?
Finally, we visited the Book of Luke to go see our sisters Mary and Martha. We read Luke 10:38-42, where we saw two different responses to the presence of God. Now, they're both good actions, but they both weren't appropriate responses for the moment. Martha was so focused ("distracted") on cleaning the house that she didn't even take the time to sit in the presence of Jesus. She went to the point of even telling Jesus, "Mary abandoned me in the kitchen. Make her come and help." [paraphrased]. Jesus replied with, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (please read it in the message version)
Yes, good deeds are good and necessary, but they have an appropriate time and are not always the most appropriate response, especially when it comes to giving God your attention. Don't be so distracted with work and doing things that you miss the presence of God and incorrectly respond to Him by ignoring Him.
"Are we abandoning the main course for the hors d'oeuvres?"
"The way we respond to God's presence dictates how His Spirit will be revealed to us."
As usual, if you have anything to add, any comments to make, or any questions you'd like to ask, please leave a comment and get the conversation going!
Did you miss service and/or the Facebook Live or do you just want to experience the service again? If so, here's the link to Sunday's Service.
Sunday Service is every Sunday beginning at 9:30 am and you're more than welcomed to join us!
Have a great remainder of the week and a safe holiday!
Until Next Time...

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