WOPCC Summer Vibes

Hi WOPCC Family and Friends!
As you all know we are taking somewhat of a break from Bible Study; however, because the enemy doesn't take a break, we can't take a break from continuously strengthening our armor with His Word (Ephesians 6:17b)...

*That's how we're using the Word against the enemy lol
Anyhow, in an effort to stay connected over the summer months (until September), we will do sermon recaps here on this blogging site. Each Wednesday there will be a new post with the recap.

BUT, please don't be shy! Did you get a revelation? Did the person who posted miss something and you're like, "ugh, how could they not mention this?" Please join in on the fun and post a comment and add to the conversation.
Don't let 3 months separate you from the good stuff going on at WOPCC.
Here's 2 of the scriptures mentioned last Sunday, June 17, 2018:
(Btw, we hope every father had an AMAZING Father's Day!)
"What you do doesn't need to die when you die."
Do you have anything else that hit you that you want to share? Please comment with some sermon nuggets you jotted down on Sunday.
Until next time,

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