Hello Again Everyone!

We hope you're having a favor filled and fantastic week thus far!

Before we get started with the recap from Sunday ...

Congratulations to the WOPBI graduates!!

     Image may contain: 36 people, people smiling, people standing and text ←In case you're interested and want to learn more

So Sunday...

Pastor Joe talked about responsibility. There's a responsibility in whatever we do along this journey of life, specifically Christian life. One of the questions to ask ourselves and really consider is how we will respond to our responsibility. Will it be out of obedience? Will we ignore it? 

Our scripture was found in Mark 4 and there were a few points from that passage that Pastor Joe highlighted:
  • We can imagine the disciples were frantic running to Jesus like, "Hey Jesus! Do you not care if we perish?? It's crazy out there and you're in here catching all the z's!"
    • Jesus didn't respond to them at all. He got up and did what He knew to do. He went into His spiritual arsenal and spoke a fruit of the Spirit to the storm. In other words, sometimes it's okay to say less; everything and everyone do not need a response.
      • "What are you saying and who are you saying it to?"
  • Jesus responded to the source. He didn't say, "Storm, chill out!" Instead, he spoke of what needed to be, not what was. He said, "Peace, be still" and that's what was. Your words do matter.
A good takeaway from those few (of many) points is "don't entertain and interact with the storm; instead, rebuke it."

What are you focusing on in your storm? Are you focused on all the wrong that's going on around you or are you focused on the types of praises that should be on your lips, and the virtuous and praiseworthy things that should be on your mind? Or maybe you're considering the last storm and how you can rest assured that you will come out of this one simply because you've seen it and know that He's done this before.

#HeCanDoItAgain ←THIS RIGHT HERE... Image result for church shout gif

Your response to the storm has a lot to do with what happens during and after the storm. We have a responsibility to respond like Jesus; after all, He is our example right?

    Response: answering to

With taking on the responsibility of fulfilling and walking in our callings and assignments, we are given authority, protection and power. It's a great reminder of how we're graced for our assignments; or course as long as we're completing our assignment.

Pastor ended off with talking about God's Responsibility vs. Our Responsibility:
  • We get $10; all He asks for is $1 in return (tithing our 10%)
  • He fights our battles; all we have to do is get dressed and show up
  • He gives us wisdom; we just have to ask for it
  • We get salvation; we just have to confess and believe
There's so many more. Any examples of His responsibility vs ours come to mind for you? Please post some examples in the comment section. Also, if you have anything else from the sermon that you'd like to share, or if you have any questions, or if you just want to participate in the conversation, we welcome you to comment down below!

Here's the link to the Facebook Live if you want to check it out for yourself.

Sunday Service is every Sunday beginning at 9:30 am and you're more than welcomed to join us!
FYI: Next Sunday is baptism Sunday!!

Until next time,
Image result for bye gif


  1. The word "again" is doing something for me and has been resonating with me for the past few weeks. The whole idea of He can do it again is such a blessing if we really think about it. "He can do it again" is a sign that there is no limit to what He's able to do and how many times He can do it. GRACE!
    When I see the word, I see it split up into 2 words: a gain.
    When God does a miracle for one person and does the same for me, there's a gain in my faith cup, there's a gain in my love tank, there's a gain in my confidence that God didn't and doesn't look over me. His hand isn't restricted, nor limited to the miracles that happened in the Bible.

    My again is a sign of grace and a second chance; His again is love.


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