
Showing posts from January, 2019

Stop Complaining! Pt. 2

Hello Everyone! Happy Wednesday! This past Sunday's sermon was a continuation of our Snow Day Sermon . In essence, the sermon gave us an awareness of the brighter side of things and implored us to quit complaining. In honor of 14 years (double the number of completion; a double measure of virtue), here are 7 Tools to Quit Complaining: Tool 1: Realize That Some Things Are Necessary & Will Require Patient Endurance Get what you need out of your current season. Just because it's uncomfortable doesn't mean it's uncommon. You're not the first to go through it, nor are you the last. With that understanding, it's proven that it's possible to get through it, so go ahead and go through it sans complaint. Tool 2: John 14:26 "But the Helper [Comforter], the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." NKJV You have what you need to ge...

Stop Complaining!

Hello Everyone!! Happy Wednesday! I hope you all were able to catch the Facebook Live to see the sermonette Pastor gave us last Sunday and I hope you all are doing well. Pastor’s main point was to stop complaining! He took the snow as an example and basis for the sermon. A lot of us complain about the snow, especially when it inconveniences us. But snow wouldn’t exist if there were no reason for it to exist.  Snow serves 2 of perhaps many other purposes: 1. Excellent Insulator of the Soil 2. When It Melts, It Helps Build Rivers & Reservoirs The scientific knowledge is really good to know, but the spiritual revelations are also really good to know. Snow Is An Excellent Insulator of the Soil. “Some seasons we love wouldn’t be as pretty if not for seasons we didn’t enjoy.” We have to fashion ourselves to not complain about the things that are necessary. We’ve all heard it before, but if seasons were always pretty, we would have little n...

God Trumps All

Hello Everyone!! I hope you're having a great week thus far! Last Sunday's sermon was definitely time appropriate and very encouraging. There are quite a few people who are currently furloughed right now, but Pastor taught many and perhaps reminded others that  Furlough: a temporary leave of absence He encouraged those who fell into this category to correctly use their speech, especially when other co-workers may be complaining or speaking in defeat. I'd like to stand with him and ask what are you doing during this temporary leave? Are there some projects you've been putting off because you haven't had the time? Well, here's your time. Have you been wanting to spend more time with God? Well here's some time to do so. I'd like to encourage you to make the best of the time you have until you're able to go back to work or until you get a new one if that's what you're looking to do. We were told that our faith cannot be f...

Holiday Hope Collection

Happy New Year Family!!! Welcome to 2019!! Over the past few times we've met, we've received some good things to put in our bag as we travel through 2019. This blog is going to remind us of a few things we've learned before entering into the new year. The first thing that was mentioned was that GOD CAN DO SUDDENLY! Don't count Him out, and even if He doesn't work according to your timeline, He's still God. We also learned not to count ourselves out of the things we are promised. Again, just because the timeline doesn't look promising in our eyes or time looks as though it's running out, that doesn't mean there's no longer a promise, nor does it mean that time is actually running out. Just wait on it. First Lady's Encouragement: No matter what, your promise still stands.  Keep your hand to the plow. The year is changing, but God isn't The promise doesn't leave with the year. #RolloverPlan 1 Thessalonians 5:24  ...